30 november 2009

Sailing in San Benedetto del Tronto

One of my new friends in Italy invited a group of people to her home town to spend the weekend. I was the only one who went and I am glad I did.

After a long train ride we arrived in the evening, just in time for Italian dinner. Gloria's mum happens to be one of the Italians mothers that know how to cook. On the table was all kinds of meat, vegetables, cheese and drinks. I had no problem what so ever to get full. Even though the conversation language used was mainly Italian I felt very welcomed.

After dinner I went out with Gloria and her brothers. We walked through the streets and met people they know around every corner. The city life is lively even at night. We had a bike ride on the long beaches and I could imagine this to be a popular place in the summer. Now it was just too cold to enjoy the beach for summer activities.

Gloria's dad is an eager sailor. He even runs a sailing school. The Sunday we came he arranged a regatta. He let us go in one of the bigger sailboats for the race. I was very worried about my sea sickness, but I didn't tell anyone about it. Once aboard I felt good and enjoyed the drafting air out in the sea. The waves didn't bother me as much as they do on bigger ships. We got a great start in the regatta and our boat was in the lead the whole time. I cannot say I contributed by anything but keeping out of the way. I am pretty sure I got a tan sitting in the sun the entire day. Back in the house was homemade Italian pizza.

I do hope to come back to San Benedetto again. I am thinking this is a nice place to take my wife for a summer holiday. I won't tell her just yet, but this area is also where most of the Italian shoes are made. Besides it's so good to know you have friends in this place.

One of the sailors. Notice how far behind the other boats are.

We had plenty of time to enjoy the sunshine and the smell of the sea.

San Benedetto del Tronto housing.

Old Fiat 500. Old Lady.

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